Sunday, June 26, 2011

Day 1

We're here!!
Today was Sunday.  Before we had a chance to walk the village or meet the children, we went into Kigali (20 miles) to an Anglican church.  During the 2 hour service, we heard music, testimonies, a sermon about the Holy Spirit, and we tried to stay awake given our jet lagged bodies!

Our Director of Children and her daughter took us, and then we went to lunch and did a little more grocery shopping in Kigali.  After returning home and taking a nap, we went to dinner with the children.  Although we were with them for just a little over an hour, we came back to our cottage with an amazing feeling of love and joy.  They are bright, funny, inquisitive, and loving!  Some are quiet, and some are hilarious!  At dinner, a 6 year old girl named Imaculee, told Mom that Adam and Eve blamed their sin on someone else, but that she didn't have to do that because Jesus forgave her.  She said that fact allowed her to admit her sin.  After dinner we went to the gazebo and they all sang several songs to us- including "Father Abraham".  They also showed us a dance they had performed when their new school building was recently dedicated.  They were so proud of their singing and dancing and watching them all sing in unison about belonging to Jesus was really overwhelming.
I promise I'll take more pictures tomorrow!!

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