Thursday, June 30, 2011

Day 5

Another great day of weather in Rwanda and it was time to take some of the children into the medical clinic in Nyamata for some immunizations.  Our Childcare Coordinator Missionary told us that most Rwandan children get vaccinated as babies, and even if they don't have all the required shots, most people do not think about immunizations for them once they are a toddler.  But she had reviewed all the records of the children here and realized they needed several more sets.  So we took about 20 of the children to a clinic filled with mama's and their newborns.  Our children, even 2 year old Clementine, were so good- they colored and read for about an hour and then they took their turns getting two or three shots and a polio dose.  
Donata, Jeanne, and Florence waiting for their shots! 

The medical clinic where the children got their immunizations.

We had to make two trips in the imdodoka (the car) to get us all there and back.  The children were all so excited to ride in the car! It is hard to describe how pure and wonderful they are.  As we were driving into the clinic they just spontaneously started singing about Jesus with no adult prompting.  And when the second batch had to wait at the clinic to leave, they decided to sing again for all the mama's in the waiting room.  And these are 2-7 year olds!  

The car filled with children!

We were able to play some soccer and jumprope in the afternoon, and had more blessed time reading and singing with them this evening.  We thought we might get to go pick up some new children, but it turns out we won't be getting any new children this week because tomorrow and Monday are holidays here.  Monday is their Independence Day as well!  

 Girls jumping rope!

The cottages for the boys! 

Little Emmanuel after he got his shots! 

1 comment:

  1. Julia! Your pictures and stories so far are amazing. I get so happy reading about those kids and their love for Jesus. Can't wait for more! Tell your mom I said hi. Yall are awesome!
