Sunday, July 3, 2011

Days 7 & 8

Yesterday (Saturday) we woke up and headed into Kigali. We first stopped at a little bagel shop called ABC. The shop was initially created by ex-pats to teach Rwandans how to prepare food that Americans would want to purchase. It sold doughnuts, bagels, pizza, and even tortilla chips!! We then drove to a little market where my mom and I bought some souvenirs and stocked up on groceries. We came back to Rafiki in the afternoon and spent the rest of the day playing outside on the playground. We finished up with dinner and then heard "All to Jesus I Surrender" a few more times.


Today we woke up early and headed to the Presbyterian church in Nyamata for the English service. There are very few people in Nyamata who speak English, but the Rafiki people have convinced a pastor at this church to add an early morning service every other Sunday.  There were probably 50 Rafiki people and 10 others at the service in a small church (sorry I forgot the camera!)  The church is very close to the village so all the children and Mamas walked down to enjoy a sermon given by one of the Rafiki directors, Doug. He gave a great sermon on angels, how Satan works, and the armor of God. We finished with a few songs (one which the children led) and my mom finished off with a prayer. We headed back up to the village and I ended up reading The Rainbow Fish and Harriet Dancing to all 26 of the girls.  Mama Judith then quizzed them on what they heard at church- which scripture, what the sermon was about, etc.  In the afternoon I was able to play soccer with my cottage and Mama Marie while my mom snapped photos of her cottage.  Today was the last day for us to be with our girl cottages- tomorrow we switch to the boys and we are a little sad about leaving these girls. Tonight we went to dinner at Carolyn and Doug's house because Mike and Vicky (the Directors of the Village) arrived back from the states. We had a great "American" meal and finished with some "Oh Heck" card game where mom got last place!

We are looking forward to the next week! We're starting Games this week where the village splits up the morning into crafts, music, enrichment, and outdoor games.  The three other Mini Missionaries arrive tomorrow so our Guest House will be full and active.  Please continue to pray for us, our safety, and the children we are serving!!

Mama Judith's cottage!

Mama Marie's cottage! 

Our cottage!

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