Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Days 9 & 10

On Monday we woke up late and headed over to Mike and Vicky's house to have a GAMES meeting. GAMES is a morning program we are putting on while the children are out of school. It is a time for enrichment where the kids learn how wonderful God is. I found out that I would be in charge of outdoor games with the new missionary, Juliet, and my mom would be working in crafts with Carolyn.  We started to set up our areas for Tuesday's events and headed to lunch with our new cottages. I am now with Mama Odette and 8 wonderful boys, and my mom is with Mama Beatrice and her 9 boys. After lunch, we catalogued more books and we were greeted by the new missionaries: Juliet, Ashley, and Janice. We all went down to the dining hall and then played outside with the children before their baths.

Mama Alphonsine beating all the boys in soccer!!

Once baths and dinner were over, we each went to our new cottage's devotional. Mama Odette's cottage read about Hannah and Samuel and sang "Father Abraham" and "What a Friend We Have in Jesus" to close off the night.

This morning we woke up early and went to the devotional that Carolyn and Doug put on for the staff here at Rafiki. We sang in Kenyarwandan and English, and we read verses about God leading us down the right path. We then met at the school to pray and began GAMES in the gazebo outside the girls' cottages. The morning went beautifully! Each group (bees, raccoons, frogs, and turtles) made their way through music, enrichment, outdoor games, and crafts! The theme of GAMES is "nothing is impossible for God" and today's theme was God's creation.

We ended GAMES and played outside with the kids until lunch. In the afternoon, I catalogued books while my mom made play dough! Then we met up with the kids for outdoor play time before they had their baths.

Fiyete Grace


Bebeto and Dadi!

Then came dinner and, lucky for us, Mama Odette and Mama Beatrice allowed us to stay in their cottages for devotional! It was a great day!

Keep us in your prayers!

Jeanne and Immaculee!! 

Olivier and Adam!! 


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